In the regions of Kazakhstan, the frost will subside in the next three days

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The frost is expected to subside in Kazakhstan in the next three days, the "Adyrna" portal reported. This was announced by the press service of RMC "Kazhydromet".

"Arctic anticyclone continues to maintain frosty weather in the north, east, south-east and center of Kazakhstan. However, with a southern cyclone, snow will fall in the west, north-west, south and south-east of the country, and it will be cold from time to time; it will snow heavily in the mountainous regions, and the frost will gradually weaken in the southeast of the republic," said the weather forecast for February 20-22 published on Monday.

A decrease in air temperature is expected in the West: -10-25 at night, -5-15 during the day, -28-38 at night, -15-23 during the day in the northern and central regions of the republic, -32-45 at night, -20-32 during the day in the eastern regions. , in the south-east of the republic -15-25 at night, gradually rising to 0 during the day.
