295 containers swallowed drugs. Two foreigners were detained at Aktau airport

Adyrna.kz Telegram

The National Security Committee blocked the smuggling channel of drug delivery to Kazakhstan, known as "swallowers", who swallowed 295 containers of drugs, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

According to information, on January 24, operatives of the Mangystau Oblast Department of the NSC and border guards detained two foreign citizens at the international airport of Aktau on suspicion of drug smuggling.

"X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity of the passengers showed the presence of foreign objects. 295 containers of opiate drugs were removed from the stomachs of foreigners by special medical methods. The total weight of the items taken was 2 kg," the report said.

According to the court's decision, preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen for the defendants.

"A pre-trial investigation is being conducted under part 4 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code," the NSC added.
