"The end of the dictator". A statue of Nazarbayev is displayed in Yerbosyn Meldibekov's personal exhibition

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Today, February 1, at 18.00 in Almaty, the opening of solo exhibition of Kazakhstan's first international artist Yerbosyn Meldibekov "Boran - Baikonur, between the Silk Road and the Milky Way" took place in the Marble Hall of the Military House.

In the exhibition, Yerbosyn Meldybekov formulated the metaphor that "Central Asia is the old, broken, rusted spaceship floating aimlessly in space, exactly like the Boran interplanetary ship launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome several years ago."

The exhibition "Boran - Baikonur, between the Silk Road and the Milky Way" is a visual development of the artist's ideas, a collection of his fundamental artistic thought, because only principled conclusions are required and accepted in the pressing times.

The sculptor's work "The End of the Dictator" depicting Nazarbayev's statue is also shown at the exhibition.
