"Inexhaustible charge". Deputy Nartai Aralbayuly proposed to change the price of waste

Adyrna.kz Telegram
Фото: Парламент мәжілісінің баспасөз қызметі
Фото: Парламент мәжілісінің баспасөз қызметі

Deputy Nartai Aralbayuly sent a parliamentary question to the authorities regarding the customs duty taxes imposed on vehicles imported from abroad, "Adyrna" correspondent reported.

Majilis deputy Nartai Sarsengaliyev raised the issue of old cars and drew attention to the unaffordability of the fees paid for bringing foreign cars into the country.

The deputy, who explained the problem at the meeting of the Majilis, said that Kazakhstanis import cars through Kyrgyzstan at twice the price, as a result of which the country's budget is losing a lot of money.
