Kazakhstan needs two two, even three nuclear power plants - expert

Adyrna.kz Telegram
Фото: inform.kz
Фото: inform.kz

By 2035, Kazakhstan consums 150 billion kWh of electricity. During this time - 12 years - the energy system of the country will work with energy shortages. Russia will help our country unless we are able to build our facilities. This situation makes it depends on the country's neighbors, according to the Managing Director of Atameken NPP, Honored Power Engineering of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhakyp Khairushev in an interview with the portal Caravan.kz.

- Last year, Kazakhstan produced 112.86 billion kWh of electricity. At the same time, we consumed more than produced - 113.89 billion kWh. We bought more than 1 billion kWh of Russia. How do you assess such a result?

- A negative balance at a billion kilowatt-hour level is a significantly large figure. And we bought this billion at a high price.
