Sarysu district is rapidly developing

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Yesterday, a press conference was held at the site of the regional communications service with the participation of acting akim of Sarysu district Saken Mamytov and akim of Zhanatas city Duysinali Borsykov. During the briefing, the speakers made a report on the work done in the Sarysu region this year.

According to Saken Umbetuly, who was the first to speak at the meeting, positive dynamics have been established in all spheres of socio-economic development of the region.

In the reporting period, the volume of industrial output amounted to 26.1 billion, 103.7 percent, and the volume of investments reached 10.1 billion tenge, which was fulfilled by 267.7 percent. A perspective plan of investment projects for the next 5 years has been prepared in the region.
