Now Kazakhstanis who throw garbage anywhere will be involved in public work

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Now Kazakhstanis will be involved in public works if they throw garbage anywhere. The draft law "On Amendments and Additions to the Code of Administrative Offenses" was published on the "Open NKA" website, the "Adyrna" national portal reported.

According to the law, forced labor is carried out only on the basis of a court act of accusation for committing a criminal or administrative offense.

According to the document, if a person commits petty mischief or throws garbage in the wrong place, such an offender can be made to do community service instead of being fined several MCI.

"Besides, the insolvency of the persons brought to administrative responsibility is happening. Thus, the use of community service will be a good educational and preventive method for offenders, especially those who have attempted to violate public order," the document says.
