An international presentation of the Kutlyk Kagan complex took place in Baku

1830 Telegram

On October 4, in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, the International Turkic Academy held an international presentation of the Kutlyk Khagan complex and the written monument found as a result of the joint "Nomgon" expedition with Mongolia.

Acting President of the International Turkic Academy Fuzuli Majidli, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Azerbaijan Serzhan Abdikarimov, Vice-President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Isa Gabibbeyli, Chairperson of the Culture Committee of the Azerbaijan Milli Majlis, Deputy Ganira Pashaeva, International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan attended the collegiate meeting held at Baku State University. head of the department Tural Akhmedov, rector of Baku State University Yelchin Babayev, expert of the Turkic Academy Napil Bazylkhan, representatives of the Embassy of Hungary in Azerbaijan, TurkPA and the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, as well as state and public figures, representatives of intellectuals and scientists took part.

The presentation ceremony began with a photo exhibition of archaeological excavations in the Kutlyk Khagan complex and historical artifacts found there.

