In the most difficult conditions of the crisis of planetary life, complicated by unprecedented political, economic, climatic changes, the issue of survival of both people and states comes to the fore. The "viral" time showed the fragility of not only human life, but also the future of individual states in the context of biological, economic, hybrid and other wars. Many hitherto hidden threats have emerged that can only be guessed at.
Europe and the US will not go to war
In recent years, humanity is experiencing unprecedented upheavals - a general biological, informational and hybrid war. We are in the midst of the formation of a new world order, increased confrontation and competition between world powers. True, it does not come to military conflicts between them - there is a deterrent in the form of nuclear weapons.
However, hybrid warfare is carried out on the territory of third countries, where world players can play their role, often “by agreement”, “giveaway” or “in earnest”. In any case, these wars are with many unknowns, which give rise to panic among the population and among ... presidents.
"Big fish eat small ones" - this is about our time.
In such difficult conditions, the spread of the "arc of instability" cannot but worry about the fate of our country. The new geopolitics dictates new conditions for survival - each country relies only on itself: on its resources, economy, education, medicine, production, army, personnel, etc.