Why is university education in Europe cheaper than ours?

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Education in Europe is cheaper than in Kazakhstan, Talgat Narikbayev said at an online meeting with members of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan and active youth of more than 100 universities in the country.
“I believe that a student shouldn't pay for higher education. Tuition fees for him should be low or symbolic, as in Europe, only so that he understands where he studies. Earlier we were surprised that such a cheap higher education in Europe. For example, in Spain one year of study costs about one thousand euros. And in some Kazakhstani universities, the cost is much higher than in Spanish. I asked the rector of one of the Spanish universities how much their teachers get. It turns out that they receive from 4-5 thousand euros per month, but it's connected with direct state funding, which covers the salaries of teachers and professors, they can set a small salary for students at the level of one thousand euros per year, which will cover minor costs ", - he explained.
According to the Chairman of the Board of KAZGUU, Kazakhstani universities look at the student as a client. Essentially, a university client is an employer, not a student. Indeed, in the labor market, it is employers who need high-quality specialists, competitive graduates.
“I am deeply convinced that higher education cannot be a business. The mission of universities should be to serve their people, their country. This is not a commercial enterprise, but a social mission. Trying to further develop the knowledge and experience of students at the expense of their own money is unrealistic. Because the expenses that are spent on higher education are increasing all the time. If we want to make education of high quality, the state must provide direct funding for the remuneration of university professors (as in Spain, Germany or the Netherlands), and universities must look for other sources of funding. For example, KAZGUU offers separate paid courses, advanced training programs, and scientific research. It also accumulates funds from patrons of the Endowment Fund, in which graduates and sponsors invest money for training students and the material and technical base of the university, "Narikbayev said.

National portal "Adyrna"
